Redcon1 Isotope 100% Whey Isolate is a premium protein supplement designed for athletes and fitness enthusiasts who demand the highest quality nutrition to support their goals. Made from 100% pure whey protein isolate, this supplement provides a high-quality source of protein that is easily digested and absorbed by the body, ensuring optimal muscle growth and recovery. Redcon1 Isotope 100% Whey Isolate provides you 25 grams of protein, zero fat, zero sugar, and zero lactose, making it a pure and clean source of protein that delivers maximum benefits without any unnecessary additives.
Who is this product ideal for?
Whether you are a beginner or a Pro Athlete and your goal is to maintain lean muscular body, Redcon1 Isotope 100% Whey Isolate will help you achieve your goals. If you are simply looking to fulfil your daily protein requirements having deskbound job with no workout.
Similar Products to Redcon1 Isotope 100% Whey Isolate
If you are looking for a cheaper alternative to Redcon1 Isotope 100% Whey Isolate, you can go for Acacia Whey Isolean which contain 29 grams of highly potent Isolate Protein per scoop. You can also go with Medelline Cartel Isolate.
What other products you can Stack with Redcon1 Isotope 100% Whey Isolate?
If you are an athlete, you can add Acacia Testosterone booster to your daily routine for improved performance. If you are looking to improve energy levels, you can add Multivitamins to your daily diet. If you are looking to add Muscle Mass, you can add Creatine and BCAAs to your diet. If you are looking for Fat Loss, you can add an L Carnitine to your schedule.
For more information on Redcon1 Isotope 100% Whey Isolate please visit the official website.
How to Use?
Consume 1 Serving after workout in 200-300 ml water. Add Ice to make the shake tastier. It is recommended to use Whey Protein Isolate with water after workouts. However, you can dissolve Whey Protein Isolate in Milk when using it at other times of the day.
How much Whey Protein Isolate should i consume?
Depending on your protein requirements, you can use 1 – 4 servings of whey protein isolate per day. You should ideally consume 2x Grams of Protein per Kg of your body weight. If you weigh 70 Kg, you should consume 140 G Protein per day. More than half of this should come from diet and the remaining can come from your Whey Protein Supplements.
When is the right time to consume Whey Protein Isolate?
The best time to consume Whey Protein Isolate is right after your workouts. This is the time when your body needs to recover and supplying it with a fast digesting Whey Protein supplement will help you achieve anabolic state (muscle building) much faster. You can also consume Whey Protein right before going to bed at night or in between meals.
What is the difference between Whey Protein and Whey Protein Isolate?
Whey Protein Isolates are refined form of Whey Protein Concentrate. They contain more Protein per serving and fewer Carbs and Fats (some have 0 carbs). Isolates have higher bio availability and assimilates faster into the body. These are also costlier than Whey Protein Concentrates. You should use Isolates when your goal is fat loss or lean muscle building.
Is this Protein Supplement Best for me?
There are 2 things to consider when choosing a Whey Protein Supplement. Budget and Goal. Since you are required to consume Whey Protein daily. It is recommended to use a Supplement that you can afford to buy every month. Also, if you have a specific goal like Fat Loss, then you should either go for a Whey Protein that promotes Fat Loss or make a stack that will help you in it. You can always connect with us on call and discuss your requirements.
What results to expect from using Whey Protein Isolates?
The results are more or less like Whey Protein Concentrate. Within 1 week, you should be able to see a significant increase in your Strength and Performance. You should be able to run longer and lift heavier. Within 1 month you will be able to notice changes in your physique in terms of addition of muscles and toning of the body. Just keep pushing your limits at the Gym.
For any more information about this product, please reach us between 11 am – 8 pm. Monday – Saturday on 96821 27275
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